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National Clinical Management Protocol based on Ayurveda and Yoga for Management of COVID-19

Posted on: October 15, 2020 | Back | Print

Unduna wa AYUSH

Dongosolo lokonzedwa ndi bungwe la National Clinical Management pogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala a zitsamba aAyurveda ndi Yoga pofuna kuthana ndi nthenda ya COVID-19


Mliri wa COVID-19 wazetsa mavuto ogwa mwa dzidzi okhuza zaumoyo padziko lonse lapansi. Chiwerengero cha imfa ndi anthu omwe akutenga kachilombo ko yambitsa matenda a Covid-19 chikuchuluka tsiku ndi tsiku padziko lonse lapansi. Izi zili chonchi kamba ka zinthu zingapo kuphatikiza zokhuza chikhalidwe komanso zachuma. Kuwongolera koyenera ndikuthana ndi matendawa kukuchitikabe ndipo anthu akuyesayesa kupeza njira zachikhalidwe limodzi ndi chisamaliro chokhazikika zothetsela muliliwu.

Mankwala azitsamba aAyurveda ndinsoYoga zitha kutenga gawo lofunikira pochulukitsa njira zodzitetezera zoperekedwa ndi malangizo a Uduna wa Zaumoyo (MoHFW). Pakadali pano, kumvetsetsa kwa nthenda ya COVID-19 kukuwonetsa kuti kukhala ndi chitetezo chamthupi ndikofunikira popewa komanso kuziteteza kunthendayi.

Njira zitatu zatsatidwa pokonza dongosololi:

1. Chidziwitso cha mankhwala azitsamba aAyurveda
komanso ukadaulo wa a chipatala. 2. Maumboni opatsa chidwi komanso kuthekera kwa zachilengedwe 3. Zochitika zamakono zokhuza maphunziro a zachipatala. Mgwirizanowu ukupangidwa ndi akatswiri amakomiti ku India. Werengani zambiri: ndondomeko ndi zowonjezera zake.

Ministry of AYUSH

National Clinical Management Protocol based on Ayurveda and Yoga for management of Covid-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global health crisis posing an unprecedented public health emergency. The number of deaths and people being infected are increasing daily throughout the globe. This situation is much more severe due to possible devastating situations because of several social and economic factors. Effective management to address this infection is still evolving and attempts are being made to integrate traditional interventions along with standard of care.

Ayurveda and Yoga can certainly play a pivotal role to augment preventive measures provided in the guidelines by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). The current understanding of COVID-19 indicates that good immune status is vital to prevention and to safeguard from disease progression.

Following three aspects are considered while preparing this protocol:

  1. Knowledge from Ayurveda classics and experience from clinical practices

  2. Empirical evidences and Biological plausibility

  3. Emerging trends of ongoing clinical studies

This consensus document is developed by expert committees from AII India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), Delhi, Institute of Post Graduate Training and Research in Ayurved (IPGTRA), Jamnagar, and National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA), Jaipur , Central Council for Research in Ayurveda (CCRAS), Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN), other national research organizations. This protocol is for management of mild COVID-19. Moderate to Severe COVID-19 individuals may have informed choice of treatment options. All severe cases will be referred.

This protocol and its annexure are approved by the Chairman, Interdisciplinary Committee for inclusion of Ayurveda and Yoga in the management of mild COVID-19 and approved by the empowered committee of the Interdisciplinary AYUSH Research and Development Taskforce on COVID-19, both constituted by the Ministry of AYUSH.

General and Physical measures

    1. Follow physical distancing, respiratory and hand hygiene, wear mask

    2. Gargle with warm water added with a pinch of turmeric and salt. Water boiled with Triphala (dried fruits of Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula,

Terminalia bellerica) or Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) also can be used for gargling.

    1. Nasal instillation/application of medicated oil (Anu taila or Shadbindu Taila) or plain oil (Sesame or Coconut) or nasal application of cow’s ghee (Goghrita) once or twice in a day, especially before going out and after coming back to home.

    2. Steam inhalation with Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) or Pudina (Mentha spicata) or Eucalyptus oil once a day

    3. Adequate sleep of 6 to 8 hrs.

    4. Moderate physical exercises

    5. Follow Yoga Protocol for Primary Prevention of COVID-19 (ANNEXURE-1) and Protocol for Post COVID-19 care (including care for COVID-19 patients) (ANNEXURE-2) - as applicable

Dietary measures

      1. Use warm water or boiled with herbs like ginger (Zingiber officinale) or coriander (Coriandrum sativum) or basil (Ocimum sanctum / Ocimum basilicum), or cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seeds etc., for drinking purpose.

      2. Fresh, warm, balanced diet

      3. Drink Golden Milk (Half tea spoon Haldi (Curcuma longa) powder in 150 ml hot milk) once at night. Avoid in case of indigestion.

      4. Drink Ayush Kadha or Kwath (hot infusion or decoction) once a day.

Specific Measures / Symptom Management




Doses & Timing

Prophylactic care (high risk population, primary contacts)

Ashwagandha (Aqueous extract of

Withania somnifera IP) or its powder

500 mg extract or 1-3 g powder twice daily with warm water for 15 days or one month or as directed by Ayurveda


Guduchi Ghana vati [Samshamani vati or Giloy Ghana vati having Aqueous extract of Tinospora cordifolia IP] or the powder of Tinospora cordifolia

500 mg extract or 1-3 g

powder twice daily with warm water for 15 days or one month or as directed by Ayurveda



10 g with warm water /

milk once a day

* In addition to these medicines; general and dietary measures are to be followed.

Clinical severity




Doses & Timing




For prevention of disease progression to symptomatic and severe

form and to

Guduchi Ghana vati [Samshamani vati or Giloy vati having Aqueous extract of Tinospora cordifolia IP] or the powder of Tinospora


500 mg extract or 1-3 g powder twice daily with warm water for 15 days or one month or as directed by Ayurveda physician

Guduchi + Pippali (Aqueous extracts Tinospora cordifolia IP

375 mg twice daily with warm water for 15 days or as directed by


and Piper longum IP)

Ayurveda physician

recovery rate

500 mg twice daily with


warm water for 15 days

or as directed by

Ayurveda physician

* In addition to these medicines; general and dietary measures are to be followed.

Clinical severity






Doses & Timing

Without evidence of breathlessness or hypoxia (normal situation)

Guduchi +


375 mg twice

Mild COVID-19


Symptomatic management Fever, Headache, Tiredness Dry Cough, Sore throat Nasal congestion


extracts Tinospora cordifolia IP and Piper longum


daily with warm

water for 15 days or as directed by Ayurveda physician


500 mg twice

daily with warm water for 15 days or as directed by



* In addition to these medicines; general and dietary measures are to be followed. Refer ANNEXURE-3 for additional medicines. Physicians have to decide useful formulations from the above or from ANNEXURE-3 or substitutable classical medicines based upon their clinical judgement, suitability, availability and regional preferences. Dose may be adjusted based upon the patient’s age, weight, and condition of the disease

** Guidelines for Ayurveda Practitioners for COVID-19 notified by Ministry of AYUSH may also be referred.

Clinical severity

Clinical Parameters


Doses & Timing

500 mg extract or 1-3 g


powder twice daily with

(Aqueous extract of

warm water for 15 days

Withania somnifera IP)

or one month or as

Prevention of

or its powder

directed by Ayurveda



Post COVID Management

Lung complications

like Fibrosis,


10 g with warm water /

milk once a day

Rasayana Churna

3 g powder twice daily with honey for one month or as directed by Ayurveda physician


(compound herbal

Mental Health

powder made up of

equal amounts of

Tinospora cordifolia,