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Malawi University of Science & Technology Vice Chancellor Visit to India

Posted on: September 19, 2018 | Back | Print

High Commission of India


Malawi University of Science & Technology Vice Chancellor Visit to India

The High Commission of India, Lilongwe has the honor to inform that the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has extended an invitation to Professor. Address Malata, Vice Chancellor, Malawi University of Sciences and Technology (MUST).

Professor Address Malata is visiting India under the Academic Visitors Programme from 16th-24th September 2018, Professor Malata will be visiting top tier Indian Universities such as the University of Delhi, the Indian Institute of Technology, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi Technological University, the Environmental Sanitation Institute, the Indian Institute of Science among others. She will also visit Anand, the world renowned Dairy Cooperative and Bengaluru, a hub of education and medical services.

The visit of the Vice Chancellor to India is expected to go a long way towards the strengthening the academic and scholarly co-operation between India and Malawi besides developing and fructifying better mutual co-operation and understanding between the two countries.


19th September 2018.